Practical Wisdom for Your Journey
Six Ways to Keep Moving When “Stuck” Approaches
Here are some toughts to reinforce the value of moving through your grief so you don’t allow yourself to get stuck or bogged down.
When Hope and History Rhyme
Today I share a poem that I read this week and found it worth sharing with you. I’m learning to sit with poetry more.
Reflections on My Wedding and NEW START
I'm pleased to announce that I was married to my friend Jean on May 5th!
10 Practices to Foster Resilient Grieving
Will you be a passive participant with grief or will you find a way to be an active participant with the grief?
The School of Mark Twain Motivation
One of the challenges you will face while grieving or navigating any difficult transition is the inner drive to keep going .
Five Ideas on Grief from the School of Christina
One key element to my grieving journey was the introduction of new ideas when I needed them the most.
The Difference Being Coachable Can Make
There is a perspective that will increase your chances of being able to navigate loss and adversity better than you might first think.
10 Ideas to Guide & Comfort You in Your Grieving
Wise and reassuring words give us comfort and help provide language for what we’re experiencing.
The Obstacle in the Path Becomes the Path
There is an old story about a king whose people had grown soft and entitled. Dissatisfied with this state of affairs, he wanted to teach them a lesson.
Four Lessons from Henri Nouwen’s School of Wisdom
Life includes a series of passages we must navigate throughout life.
Sometimes There’s Only the Hard Way
One of the qualities needed when facing the hard challenges of life is endurance.
Learning to Love and Live Again After Loss
Living has many angles and aspects to it. It includes feeling alive, enjoying beauty, expressing gratitude, & feeling wonder and excitement.
Live Today as if it Were Your Last
You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.
Grief’s Classroom: Lessons & Reflections
As I ponder with you the grief journey, I’m also reflecting on why I write on grief.
15 Ideas to Think About While Grieving
Regardless of where you are on your journey — whether your grieving or supporting someone who is, how you think matters.
Better to Conquer Grief Than Run From It
Sad is the day when we fail to realize the value of going down into our grief.
Be Kind to Yourself this Christmas
Some advice I received when grieving was simply this: be kind to yourself.
Four Qualities Learned from the School of J.R.R. Tolkien
All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost…
The David Kessler School of Grief
Life gives us pain. Our job is to experience it when it gets handed to us. Avoidance of loss has a cost. Having our pain seen and seeing the pain in others is a wonderful medicine for both body and soul.
Five Reasons Why Tears Get Shut Down & What to Do Instead
I have been acquainted with tears for many years now and thought it timely to remind myself of the value of tears today.