Be Kind to Yourself this Christmas

Some advice I received when grieving was simply this: be kind to yourself.

I listened and learned how to be kind to myself. It wasn’t easy but created some space to grieve and not be so hard on myself. Another way to say the same thing is to practice self-compassion.

Are you feeling the need to step back and give yourself some self-compassion? If so, I want to share a poem with you that puts language to self-compassion. A friend sent me this poem this week and now I share it with you.

It’s called “Blessing” and was written by Jill Schwendeman. A blessing by definition serves as an expression that conveys good will and favor.

You are loved and valuable. Receive these words as encouragement and support for the journey you find yourself on.


Kind friend, take a slow and calming breath.
Know that you are enough, just as you are.
May you receive what you need.
May you be an oasis of serenity, strength, and compassion.

When difficult feelings batter you, meet them with a kind heart.
Know they are only part of the story.
Allow the hard stuff to visit a bit, and when it’s time,
Invite it to flow like water downward toward the immense and cleansing sea.

Allow others to be strong or calm or hopeful when you cannot,
Knowing when it is time again, your heart will clear.
When it’s time, you will take your turn, Being serenity, strength, and compassion for others.

In all things, may you be kind.
May compassion, including self-compassion, guide your heart and mind and every action.

Final Thought

  • What words or phrase speak to you?

  • Is there someone you know who might benefit from this poem? Feel free to share it.


Better to Conquer Grief Than Run From It


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