Six Ways to Keep Moving When “Stuck” Approaches
This article goes hand in hand with one I wrote a few months ago called How to Keep Moving Through Your Grief.
In this article, I add some more thoughts to reinforce the value of moving through your grief so you don’t allow yourself to get stuck or bogged down.
Getting stuck while grieving worth the effort to try and avoid. If it does happen, step back and take a fresh look at what you can do or reach out for some help so you do keep moving.
It’s costly to get stuck or ignore grief when she comes knocking. Here are few of the perils of ignoring or trying to step around your grief.
The Perils of Ignoring your Grief
Depression and anxiety
Weakened cardiovascular system
Weakened immune system that impedes the much-needed strength to fight off disease and infection
Emergence of complicated or chronic grief with words like “I feel so stuck!”
Addictive behaviors such as overworking, compulsive shopping, overeating, abusing substances, gambling, overexercising, video game playing, and more.
Reoccurring illnesses
Decrease in workplace productivity
Emotional unavailability
Difficulty bonding with others
Unhappiness and loss of self-respect
Becoming aloof, passive, cold, controlling, coercive, cynical, suspicious, or angry
Quite to list! But these realities don’t need to your experience if you attend to your grief and ask others to help you along the way.
Six Ways to Keep Yourself Moving When “Stuck” Approaches
Let me give you six ways to both think and act so you can reduce your chances of getting stuck while grieving.
1. Accept where you are and don’t wish you were somewhere else.
2. Stop wishing you had someone else’s life.
3. Write down five things you’re grateful for every day.
4. Call in a favor from a friend who said, “Call if you need anything!”
5. Write out some affirmation statements about who you want to be.
6. Pick an idea from the following list and go do it.
go for a walk
take a nap
draw a picture
tidy up your room
watch a movie
eat your favorite meal,
spend time cooking
go for a run
write a letter
watch a documentary
take a shower or a bath
Quotes to Ponder
Ain't no shame in holding on to grief... as long as you make room for other things too. — Bubbles
When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. ― Roy T. Bennett
Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. — Author unknown
Grief is itself a medicine." — William Cowper