Four Marks of True Friendship

Life would be a barren wasteland without true friends. True friends are the kind of people who walk with you in a common direction and love at all times. They do not happen quickly but are discovered and are forged over time.

When we lose our friends, like I did when I lost my wife Vicky, we look to others in our inner circle to be the support we need. I’m so grateful for the intimate friendships I have in my life but I’m realizing it’s an ongoing process.

The four marks of a true friend guide us in our friendship discovery and forging.

  1. Constancy

  2. Carefulness

  3. Candor

  4. Counsel


Who are your true friends? What qualities do you appreciate in them? If you are lacking the kind of true friends who will do life with you, where might you begin to look for those people who can walk with you through life?


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