Words Create Worlds
Words create worlds. — Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel
What you say has tremendous power to shape your life and impact the lives of those around you. Whether you are going through a dark valley or enjoying a season of sunshine, words matter.
Let me start by giving you the background to Rabbi Heschel’s words then share a few words and phrases I find helpful as I seek to create a better world.
Background to Rabbi Heschel’s Quote “Words Create Worlds”
Susannah Heschel, the daughter of Rabbi Heschel, gave us some background as to what Rabbi Heschel was thinking about when he said, “Words create worlds.”
“Words, he often wrote, are themselves sacred, God’s tool for creating the universe, and our tools for bringing holiness — or evil — into the world. He used to remind us that the Holocaust did not begin with the building of crematoria, and Hitler did not come to power with tanks and guns; it all began with uttering evil words, with defamation, with language and propaganda. Words create worlds he used to tell me when I was a child. They must be used very carefully. Some words, once having been uttered, gain eternity and can never be withdrawn. The Book of Proverbs reminds us, he wrote, that death and life are in the power of the tongue.” — Susannah Heschel
Words to Help Build a Better World During Difficult Times
Focus on what you can control
Don’t compare yourself to others — compare yourself to yourself
Focus on the process and your effort, not the outcome or results
Don’t worry too much about what people think
Stillness is the key to a calm and resilient core
Study the lives of the people you’d like to be like
Ask yourself often, “Is this really necessary?”
Live in the present, not in the past or future
Focus on what you have left, not on what you’ve lost
Own the morning and use it to begin your day well
There is power and healing in a deep cry
Let go of past hurts and resentments to truly live
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re stuck
If you have suffered a loss, you’re not alone and have permission to grieve
Everyone’s grief journey is different yet common patterns are traceable
Tell your story until you don’t need to tell your story any more
Short term distractions are essential to survive a long season of suffering and pain
Joy and grief need to walk together if you want to get to living again sooner
Build habits to carry you when will power runs out
You cannot choose your external circumstances but you can choose how you will respond to them.
Reflection Question
What world would you like to create?
What words will be required to create that world?