Two Ways to Shape Your Environment and Change Your Life

Your environment can have a profound impact on the life you live today and the life that unfolds into the future.

In this video, I talk about the power that expectations have in our lives and how we can control those expectations.

It was Jim Rohn who said, "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."

Who are you spending your time with?

Another idea worth pondering is to think about the Pygmalion effect and how it is at play in your life.

The Pygmalion Effect

"You rise or fall to the expectations of those around you." I would also say, you rise or fall to the expectations you have of yourself.

For a thoughtful read on how to apply the idea of creating a future self for your life, read Benjamin Hardy's new book Be Your Future Self Now. I read it this week and found it so helpful as I continue to grow and adjust to life as it is now.

Let me know your thoughts

After watching my video, tell me about the people you are hanging out with and the expectations you have for yourself.

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