How to Find True Hope When It’s in Short Supply

One of the themes I’ve been thinking about this Christmas is the whole idea of HOPE. It is a simple word but rich in meaning.

In this week’s video, I talk about four angles to look at HOPE from.

To Have True H.O.P.E. You Need…

H - hittable target

A future goal or aim you can move towards. It gets your eyes on your present situation and caused you to look up.

O - observable pathway

Besides a hittable target, you need a pathway you can see to go with it. It's just a wish if there is no pathway to help get you there.

P - personal skin-in-the-game

To move forward on that observable pathway, you need to make a choice to put your own skin-in-the-game. People can't do your life for you. You need to take those baby steps and lean into your situation.

E - energy from those around you

We can't do life alone. We need others to empathize with us and support us on our journey. Who are those people for you?

Final Thought

In the words of Brene Brown…

Hope is a function of struggle — we develop hope not during the easy or comfortable times, but through adversity and discomfort. Hope is forged when our goals, pathways, and agency are tested and when change is actually possible.

What situation in your life needs some fresh hope?


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