Stop Empathy Blockers From Interfering with True Empathy

This week, I had a powerful experience of just how impactful empathy blockers can be in a person's life.

I was that person who was impacted by a series of empathy blockers - and I felt it!

In this week's video I tell the story how what happened and how I ended up in this position. It ended up being a powerful learning experience for both myself and the group I was training on how to show empathy.

If you want to learn more about empathy blockers or empathy misses, downloadable this resource from Brene Brown which comes from her new book Atlas of the Heart.


  • When have you failed to show true empathy and instead blocked your empathy with judgment, questioning or advice giving?

  • Who is someone who has showed you true empathy? What did that feel like?

  • What does it feel like to be on the receiving end of empathy misses?


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