The Place and Power of Stillness

Stillness is a word and practice I have become very fond of the last several months.

While reviewing some journal entries I made during my grief journey in 2020, I found some reflections that illustrate the impact stillness had in my life.

My hope in sharing them here is that the words will inspire you to see stillness as a place you can carve out and find comfort and peace in the midst of your storms.

The Place and Power of Stillness During My Time of Suffering

Stillness helped me untangle the twisted stories bouncing around in my head and allowed time and space to make some sense of what I was thinking and feeling.

Stillness brought me into the present where I could live and soak up the sounds, smells, sights, impressions of each moment.

Stillness forced into the open my pain and allowed me to feel deeply what I truly needed to feel in order to let God heal me.

Stillness increased the ability to listen to God speak — to know of his presence, his love, his comfort, and his eternal perspective.

Stillness made me appreciate what I had left to enjoy — there was so much left! Yes, I had lost my best friend and companion, but I wasn’t without gifts and blessings that were all around me.

Stillness exposed my need for time to heal. Had I kept filling my mind and heart with busy work, distractions, noise, endless hurry…I would have been unable to process the mud and mire of my loss.

Stillness gave a place for grief and life to walk hand and hand. Sometimes it was while cycling down a country road. Sometimes it was walking by the creek with Max. Sometimes it was sitting in my recliner as I wrote in my journal random thoughts, feelings, and reflections.

Final Thought

I am so grateful for the place that stillness played in my life during one of the most difficult seasons of my life.

For those of you who don't know my story, my wife Vicky died of kidney cancer on May 14, 2020. She was dearly loved and will forever be missed.

As you face adversity, loss, disappointment, hardship, unmet expectations, shattered hopes and dreams, setbacks — may you create space for stillness and in that space, find renewed hope and healing for your journey.

For more insights on how to grieve well, check out our online course:
Discover How to Live Again After Loss


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