16 Ways to Say Yes to Your Life

Say yes to your life. — Nancy Reagan

Today, what are you saying to yourself that promotes the life you want to live?

When we are overwhelmed by the storms of life, it’s easy to grow weary of saying yes and want to give up. If that is you today, I want to invite you to dig deep and say yes to your life, as hard as it may be right now.

The following list I’ve written for you but they are also my list I’m saying today.

May you be inspired to choose life and to choose yes when the no inside your head is louder than usual.

16 Ways to Say Yes to Your Life

Say yes to believing that things will some how work out.

Say yes to doing your job.

Say yes to action, not over thinking.

Say yes to taking risks.

Say yes to leaning into road blocks and obstacles that are in the way.

Say yes to dealing with issues now so they don’t grow too large.

Say yes to working together with others not just on your own.

Say yes to doing the right thing.

Say yes to watching out for and helping the little guy.

Say yes to focusing on the things you can control.

Say yes to the elimination of complaining — even to yourself.

Say yes to listening more than speaking.

Say yes to living fully today because tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Say yes to living with what you have — not always wanting more.

Say yes to believing your life matters.

Say yes to focusing on what’s left, not what’s been lost.

Final Thought

When you say yes, you are saying no to something else. What I like about saying yes is that it eventually gives less room for the no’s that like to exert their influence in your life.

Take a minute today to find your journal and write out your own list of yeses. I believe it will help move you in a forward direction and be an activity that will breathe life into your heart and soul. It did that for me.

What would you add to the list you will choose to say yes to today?

Say yes to your life. — Nancy Reagan

Grief Resource: Unlocking the Mystery of Grief

If you are grieving a loss or know someone who is who might need some support, pick up a copy of my newest book.

Unlocking the Mystery of Grief on Amazon.ca

Unlocking the Mystery of Grief on Amazon.com


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