Grief Coaching & Support
Education, mentoring, and guidance that walks with you on a healthy grief pathway and helps you discover how to live again after loss.
Are you grieving a loss?
You are not alone if a loss has left you broken and wondering where to turn. I come alongside those who grieve with support and ideas so you can find hope and healing after your loss.
Download a free sample of my book, “Unlocking the Mystery of Grief” below.
Are you a grief companion?
You may find yourself a bit lost as you come alongside someone who has experienced loss. What words to you say? How do you show up? I want to help guide you on that journey.
Sign-up below for my free 7-day email course on Grief Companioning.
Are you a learner?
You may have a group you would like to be better equipped to grieve or support those who are grieving. Chat with me about customized online workshops that might meet your need.
Click the contact form below or email me directly at [email protected].
Most people are overwhelmed when faced with significant loss
I come alongside to support and guide you in your grief and when the time is right, help you discover how to live again after loss.

Sign Up to Receive “50 Ways to Grieve Your Losses PDF”
Download my FREE resource that describes 50 different ways people grieve their losses. Grief is different for everyone and if you’re new at it, you get caught off guard by the feelings, thoughts, and reactions your body makes.